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What is the difference between pre-harvest and post-harvest?

  • Pre-harvest is that part of a season before a crop’s harvest is completed and in CropsProfit it is called Uncertain Harvest.
  • Post-harvest is that part of a season after a crop’s harvest is completed and in CropsProfit it is called Certain Harvest.
  • CropsProfit has a unique feature called Deliverable Harvest, and it is described as the percentage of a season’s harvest that can be delivered to buyers with absolute certainty. This feature must be used with great caution, but the advantage is that it helps you to start using post-harvest marketing tools to sell your crop before the harvest is actually completed. 
  • The more conservative users of CropsProfit who do not want to play the guessing game can simply change the Deliverable Harvest to 100% when the season’s harvest is completed.
  • Example-1 Pre-harvest period: If your Total Harvest is 1000 tons and your Deliverable Harvest is 0%, then CropsProfit calculates your Uncertain Harvest as 1000 tons and your Certain Harvest as 0 tons.
  • Example-2 Harvest transition period: If your Total Harvest is 1000 tons and your Deliverable Harvest is 20%, then CropsProfit calculates your Uncertain Harvest as 800 tons and your Certain Harvest as 200 tons.(This is the period when your Deliverable Harvest is more than 0% and less than 100%.) 
  • Example-3 Post-harvest period: If your Total Harvest is 1000 tons and your Deliverable Harvest is 100%, then CropsProfit calculates your Uncertain Harvest as 0 tons and your Certain Harvest as 1000 tons.
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